Choosing a Wedding Ring
Your wedding ring is for life, so take the time to ensure it is compatible with your lifestyle. While we will guide you through the different options, it is worth taking some time to think about how you want to wear your wedding ring, as it’s a very personal choice, and it's all up to you.

Make It Yours

Precious Metal
We recommend to choose the same precious metal so that both the wedding ring and the engagement ring will share the same visual characteristics and ‘wear’ in the same way.

If you choose a diamond set wedding ring, we recommend you allow for the size, shape and setting of the gemstones in your engagement ring, for practical and aesthetic reasons. Also, ideally the diamonds in both rings will be aligned.

If you have chosen an engagement ring with Vintage aesthetic, matching this with Vintage band is key so that you can enjoy fully the exquisite detailing such as hand-carved scroll-work or millegraining shared between the rings.

Wear It Your Way

Ring Style
Particularly if you decide to wear your engagement and wedding ring on the same finger, it’s ideal to go for a style that is compatible in look and feel. A contemporary style engagement ring works best with a contemporary designed wedding ring. However, you can pair traditional diamond solitaire engagement rings with various styles, as they are quite versatile.

Ring stacking is when you wear two or more rings on the same finger. For this to be highly effective, they should be shaped to fit with other rings. Stackable wedding rings work well if you wear a lot of jewellery, or enjoy the variety.

Flying Solo
Your engagement and wedding rings don’t have to be worn together. You can move your engagement ring to your right hand as you please. Especially if you like to wear your wedding ring on its own sometimes. This is often preferred when a more substantial diamond is set so that it can easily stand alone.
"Mike at DX provided top notch service. The process of buying my wedding ring, I couldn’t have been happier with the service provided; it made the whole experience so easy and exciting."

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Learn about Diamonds
Discover diamond essentials. What are the 4C’s? And how do these guidelines relate to your diamond’s style and sparkle?